Next generation homes available for rent in happy, healthy, safe and sustainable neighbourhoods across the UK.
Renting just got interesting.
We’re for the movers. The shakers. Those that like to change the status quo. The up-starters and the down-sizers. The live-for-nowers and the long-term planners. We’re putting the control firmly in your hands. Modern, safe and secure rental homes, changing the UK rental market for the better.
This is everybody homes. This is Casa.
Modern, new family homes that put service, wellbeing, technology and community first.
We make life easy. Enjoy a range of resident benefits from booking a dog walker, joining organised community events, or monitoring your homes energy efficiency - all available via the MyCasa resident app.
Happy, healthy and connected communities that provide a new way of living.
High-quality homes set in safe and secure neighbourhoods across the UK, available in an array of sizes and styles. From 1 bed apartments to detached 4 bedroom houses, there's house types to suit the needs of all modern-day, suburban renters.
When it comes to location, you'll find Casa neigbourhoods close to key cities, thriving towns and commuter hubs across the UK.
Got your eyes on a Casa neighbourhood or waiting for our homes to pop up in a location near you? Whilst our newest neighbourhoods are underway, there's still many more to come. Check out our latest neighbourhoods...